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Pi Day

Three songs exploring the mathematical mysteries of Pi and how itís used.

Contains: 3 songs with 4 versions of each song, lyrics, worksheets, and answer keys in PDF format.. $7.99

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March 14 (3.14) is Pi Day! Our Pi Day songs cover surface, volume and circumference. Covering three topics related to pi, these songs are appropriate for grades 4-8 or students needing additional or review work.
songs in Pi Day

(Pump Up the) Volume

An engaging rap song for teaching the formulas of 3D shapes to students. Includes fun worksheets and multiple versions of the song to assist with scaffolding.

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Circumference (It Just Makes Sense)

An engaging rap song for teaching circumference (2 x pi x r) to students. Includes fun worksheets and multiple versions of the song to assist with scaffolding.

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It’s All in the Surface

An engaging rap song for teaching surface area formulas to students. Includes fun worksheets and multiple versions of the song to assist with scaffolding.

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